CES VŠEM > Projects CES VŠEM > Contract research VŠEM

Contract research VŠEM

The Centre for Economic Studies participates on development, research and scientific projects of the University of Economics and Management implemented for external partner entities and organizations.

Overview of currently implemented projects:

Organization Research focus Implementation
Dohled na dosah, z.s.

The subject of the collaboration is the creation of a marketing strategy for providing social services, specifically emergency care, telephone crisis assistance, and personal assistance, in relation to municipalities and mapping the need for these services. It also includes an analysis of the focus of telephone crisis assistance and other forms of support aimed at improving the mental health of university educators across different regions in the Czech Republic. Another component is setting up pricing strategies considering the competitive environment in the Czech Republic and proposing supplementary services. The collaboration further involves the proposal of a promotional campaign with nationwide reach, as well as campaigns targeting specific regions.

10/2024 - 10/2029

Akademie VŠEM, o.p.s.

Comprehensive internal and external evaluation of projects using standard methods and procedures as well as survey of participants' opinions and their analysis.

09/2016 - 09/2024

BizMachine s.r.o.

Comparative analysis and structuring of data, formulation and verification of statistical hypotheses, regression analysis and identification of correlation and causal dependencies, including development trends and prediction of further development of relationships between data entities within the Prospector database.

02/2019 - 02/2024

Centrum ekonomických studií Vysoké školy ekonomie a managementu, o.p.s.

Recommendations for the implementation of adjustments for a specific company within the evaluation of organizational performance (Methodology for evaluating the performance of the organization, elaboration of the selection process, retention and work with talented employees and preservation of knowledge in the monitored organizations).

01/2015 - 01/2025

damejidlo.cz s.r.o.

Analysis of the effectiveness of used communication channels, analysis of the balance of communication activities, optimization of the use of communication tools in terms of their impact, efficiency and financial demands, revision of website content and social networks and their attractiveness for the target group, including setting and optimization plan analysis of needs and expectations of customers / target groups, analysis of customer structure, design / revision of CRM system, design of communication plan adjustments according to seasonality and other specifics with regard to customer preferences and types, design of internal communication campaign towards employees, design of brand communication and employer branding towards job seekers and stakeholders, analysis of marketing service subcontractors and their optimization, marketing research of customer satisfaction and their experience with the customer's products / services.

03/2020 - 02/2022

Imatic IT, s.r.o.

Marketing research within the recruitment process in IT, optimization of the structure of the use of communication tools in terms of their impact, efficiency and financial demands, personnel audit of the company.

07/2019 - 07/2024

Knihovna Václava Havla, o.p.s.

Analysis of the digital footprint of the VH Library, analysis of the project Havel forever.

01/2020 - 01/2025

Nadace Vodafone Česká republika Creation of the Vodafone 2.0 Foundation Laboratory and Project Evaluation Methodology. 07/2017 - 03/2020

Rudolf architects s.r.o.

Analysis of the effectiveness of used communication channels, analysis of the balance of communication activities, optimization of the use of communication tools in terms of their impact, efficiency and financial demands, revision of website content and social networks and their attractiveness for the target group, including setting and optimization plan analysis of the needs and expectations of customers / target groups, marketing research of customer satisfaction and their experience with the customer's products / services. 07/2019 - 06/2022
StartUp VŠEM, s.r.o. Evaluation of the potential use of given outputs and project results, evaluation of the current state in the given field and added value of the result for specific applications, including the creation of a functional tool for project implementers and the public. 09/2016 - 09/2024
Virtubio s.r.o. Research focused on the identification of transferable cross-sectional competencies (PPK) and their measurement among students of the University of Economics and Management. 03/2019 - 03/2024